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Description : In keeping with Austen's endearing theme of a woman's woes as she falls in love, Persuasion treats the delicate subject with finesse and elegance. It is not only necessary to find a man, but to ensure that he is the right one. To love both wisely and well is always a challenge, and for Austen's heroine, the usual problem is how to side-step various traps of false adoration in the guise of pretending lovers who are rarely what they seem and claim. The true love at the same time must not be seen through the haze of pre-judgment and misunderstanding. In this enchanting novel the wise characters know well enough to allow their persuasions to be replaced by new ones. As Jane Austen sees it, wrapped up in lives other than their own, the lovers are able to judge their individual motives more objectively, and therefore, know when to be persuaded to fall for the right person.
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