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Description : Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa was born in today’s Kolkata as Gadadhar. Coming from a poor but pious family, he showed disinclination towards worldly glitter and formal education. Instead he engrossed himself in painting, singing and listening to discourses of holy men and serving them. Later as a priest, he developed intense devotion to Mother Kali. Thereafter, crossing the boundaries of religions, he followed a secular path and reached the core of Christianity and Islam. Sri Paramhansa never wrote any book or addressed any public forum. He spoke at ordinary gatherings and in simple uncomplicated conversations. Whatever thoughts of wisdom depicted in this book The Wisdom of Sri Ramakrishna Parmahansa are diligently compiled and published as his sayings by his devotee Mahendranath Gupta. This could also be termed as the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and it continues to dominate the spiritual scene the world over.
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