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Description : Speeches can incite, inspire, exhort, accuse, exonerate, illuminate, energize, and instruct. While newer forms of communication seem ever more impersonal, the spoken word provides a human connection rich with emotional nuance and individual expression. Words That Changed the World contains not only written descriptions of the contexts for 60 of the greatest public speeches of the past half-century; not only authentic photographs of the speechmakers; but also audio recordings of key passages from those speeches. Words That Changed the World has an attached sound module with a numeric keypad and volume control. Each great speech excerpt in the book has a three-digit numeric code. To hear the speech excerpt, enter the code. The book presents 25 minutes total audio time, including excerpts from these great speeches: * Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream." * Timothy Leary encouraging his followers to "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out." * Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's address to the Israeli parliament in 1977. * Ronald Reagan addressing the United States after the space shuttle Challenger tragedy. * Fidel Castro, Anita Hill, Nelson Mandela, Charlton Heston, Karl Rove, Mother Theresa, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama on topics ranging from war and peace, hope and despair, and the full sweep of 50 incredible years.
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