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Description : It is not an easy matter writing a good paragraph, which incidentally is the basic unit of any writing. Unless you follow some rules, you may bring forth an unreadable and insipid material. Next, are you confident of using Similés,Metaphors, Idioms and Idiomatic phrases in your written work to make it rich and musical? This book would let you into all the mysteries of producing readable and enjoyable written pieces, be it an essay or an article or a letter. Besides students, this book would be useful to the professionals as well. For instance, do you know how to prepare Briefs, Summaries, etc., for the benefit of our superior officers? Do you know the art of writing attractive and heart warming business letters to collect new customers and also to keep under your hold your existing customers? You would learn all the tricks in this regard from this book. Most of us would love to see our name in print, in a newspaper or your favourite magazine, wouldn't you? Perhaps you may like to write a political article giving excellent ideas on how to improve the quality of life of people or an essay on "Women of the 21st Century" or possibly a short story. Do you have the wherewithal for the above? This book will teach you how to write imaginative articles, satires and delectable short stories.
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