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Description : The most popular roses from A to Z * Everything about their origin * What you should know about their purchase, location and care * Old Roses, Bed Roses, Noble Roses, English Roses, Groundcovers, Climbers, Shrubby Roses, Wild Roses and Miniatures * Practical advice on establishing your garden and integrating other sustainable plants, such as perennials * Beauty inside and out: how to display your roses to their best advantage When a greeting card just isn't enough...send something unique. It's as simple and inexpensive to mail as a cardbut it's much more: an entire book to keep and treasure forever! Light as a feather, wonderfully personal, and colorfully visual, these small, self-enclosed little volumes go right into the mail with no wrapping required. Just write your dedication on the inside, address it on the back, seal the flap, stick on a stamp, and put it in the mailbox. Give one for holidays, for birthdays and anniversaries, for messages of cheer, or for any occasion when you want to remember friends and family.
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