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Description : Internationally bestselling author Louise Hay is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 60 million books sold worldwide. For more than 25 years, Louise has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. The Golden Louise Hay Collection is an omnibus of her most loved books – You Can Heal Your Life, Heal Your Body and The Power Is within You. You Can Heal Your Life is a New York Times bestseller with over 39 million copies sold worldwide. Louise’s key message in this powerful work is ‘if we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.’ She explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking . . . to improve quality of life. In Heal Your Body, Louise describes the methods she used to cure herself of cancer more than 20 years ago. Using her techniques, you will be surprised to discover patterns in your own ailments that reveal a lot about yourself. It offers positive new thought patterns to replace negative emotions, an alphabetical chart of physical ailments with their probable causes as well as healing affirmations to eliminate old patterns. The Power Is within You expands on Louise’s philosophy of ‘loving the self’ and shows you how to overcome emotional barriers through listening to your inner voice, loving the child within and letting true feelings surface. Focusing on building emotional and mental immunity, she encourages you to think of yourself positively and be more accepting and grateful for who you are. The Golden Louise Hay Collection is the perfect read for those seeking insights to the mind-body connection and the miraculous benefits of this dynamic, as well as for those who want the pleasure of finally having their favourite Louise Hay books together in one volume.
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