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Description : The seventh volume in the eight-part epic graphic novel series by Osamu Tezuka, Buddha: Prince Ajatasattu (Volume 7) is the story of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. In Book Seven, there is a parallel story of Ajatasattu, the son of King Bimbisara. In Book Six, King Bimbisara, afraid that the prophecy, which says that he will die by the hands of his son, will come true pulls away from Ajatasattu. And so the young prince is brought up without the love of his father because of no fault of his own. In this book, Prince Ajatasattu is all grown up and has become a mighty fine warrior. But he still feels no hatred towards his father who has all but abandoned him, even though the prophecy is no fault of his. Instead he is angered at Buddha for putting such stories into his father’s head. Buddha, meanwhile, is touring the countryside, trying to spread his teachings and to bring as much good as he can to the people. In his wanderings, he comes to the court of King Bimbisara. When he sees his father bowing down to the man who has put such absurd ideas into his head, Ajatasattu is incensed. In his fury, he tries to kill Buddha. But even though he is now very old, Buddha manages to survive the attack on his life, coming back from the brink of death. Will the prophecy of Ajatasattu killing his own father come true? Will Buddha keep the promise he made over two decades ago?
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